Monday, December 28, 2009

Would you buy a pH-balanced shampoo, or one that is not? Explain your answer?

Shampoo, like most detergents and soaps, is basic because of its manufacturing process. However, the phrase ';pH-balanced'; is just a marketing gimmick. My question is always, ';Balanced to what?'; Does it mean the pH is close to that of water (~6-7)? Is it meant to imply that it matches your skin's pH (~5)? Out of curiousity, I have tested the pH of shampoos (even ones that are advertised as pH-balanced) and they are generally in the range of 10-12.

I'm not saying that shampoos claiming to be pH-balanced are a waste of money or don't work, but don't use that claim to base your choice on. Personally, I feel insulted by the attempt to sound scientific while saying nothing. As the old saying goes, ';If you can't impress them with knowledge, baffle them with bulls..t!';

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