Is it ok to use a 2-in-1 for shampoo, and then use a conditioner after it, or should I just stick to regular shampoo?Two-in-One Shampoo/Conditioner?
connie f is right....shampoo and conditioner are different things for different reasons...they do different things! they cant do what they were meant to do, at the same time. it really doesnt take that much longer to shampoo, rinse, condition, then rinse. i recommend and professional product only found in salons...anything is better than drug store. depending what you want for your hair, Biolage Hydrate is a great moisturizing line. after you shampoo, squeeze out as much excess water as you can, possibly squeeze it with a towel quickly if you can to get out even more, then apply your conditioner...the less water on your hair strand, the more room for the conditioner go! then let that sit a couple minutes while you wash your face or body or shave, then rinse...! hope this helps :)Two-in-One Shampoo/Conditioner?
I would stick to regular shampoo and conditioner separately. That way you can control how much conditioner your hair needs. :-)
i don' really like those two in ones. they just seem dodgey but sometimes you have to or its convenient. in that case if your hair is dry or feels not silky but kind of squeaky after washing it with the two in one then by all means use separate conditioner. that schartzcopf conditioner is good. the rebuilding your hair one.. total repair 19 its called. i use that its really good. but if your hair is pretty good anyway then you can just pick and choose :]
it might make your hair look greasy. but it wont hurt you. i would use separate conditioner after plain shampoo and just leave it on long enough to do the job.
ok, as a liscensed cosmetologist for 16 years, I have seen a lot of good and bad hair. Ask yourself this question, would you add wax to the soap you are washing your car with? It just doesn't mix. I have not done any research, but how can you get your hair clean and put a conditioner on at the same time? Either your hair isn't getting clean or its loaded with wax. Thats my theory. If you cant wash and wax your car at the same time, then how can u shampoo and condition at the same time? I rest my case............... Use shampoo and conditioner seperate
Use a 2-in-1, then a conditioner. However, use a deep cleaning shampoo weekly to remove all the build-up!
if you decide to use the 2-in-1 shampoo and then use a conditioner use a deep cleaning shampoo once a week to get rid of all the build up that will be left in your...patene is a great choice. either way u should still use the deep cleaning shampoo it does a great job.(specially if u use hair spray or gel and etc)
NO NO NO NO 2 IN ONE SHAMPOOS ARE VERY VWERY BAD I READ SOME WERE just stick to a shampoo and a Conditioner
Use a regular 2 in 1 shampoo and conditiner like this one!
A good way to do it if you want to use both is 2 in 1 and seprate conditioner on the ends only. I do this often and I never have ANY problems.
well I guess u should just stick to regular shampoo then put conditioner on because you should just put the conditioner on the tip 'cause your hair might fall out!!!!!!No girl wants that.
stick to regular shampoo and regular conditioner. its better for your hair.
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